Commemorative Gardens

The Greenwood Wing’s Commemorative upper Garden was donated

to the Museum by the Central Annapolis Valley Chamber of

Commerce, as a living memorial to the six crewmembers of

Labrador 305 from 413 Squadron, who were tragically killed

on October 2nd, 1998 near Marsoui, PQ, when their helicopter

exploded in mid-air. 

The original design featured two apple trees to represent the

importance of the apple industry to the Valley; a pond to represent

                                                                        the ocean over which many SAR flights are                                                                                      conducted; two rows of rose hedges in the SAR                                                                                colours of red and yellow; as well as plants                                                                                        selected by the six widows of the crewmembers. 

                                                                        The upper Garden was layed out in the shape of a                                                                            twin-engine aircraft oriented north, with the                                                                                        walkways forming a cross.

The Garden was officially dedicated by His Excellency, Governor-General

Romeo LeBlanc on June 4th, 1999.  The Aircrew Memorial Statue was

created and funded by the Aircrew Memorial Association in Halifax was

added to the upper garden, and officially unveiled by Governor-General

Adrienne Clarkson on October 21st, 2002.

As there was insufficient space in the upper garden area to accommodate

all the aircraft incident-specific memorials needed to commemorate all the crews lost in accidents from flights originating in Greenwood, a Memorial Walkway extending from the current upper garden along the sidewalk leading to the Observation Tower was established.  These memorial are of a similar format used for Labrador 305, and have been placed in a manner that permits wheelchair access.  They are surrounded by trees, shrubs and plants in a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere that lends itself to quiet contemplation in the hope that visitors will reflect on these losses and recognize that freedom comes with a price, paid for by the sacrifices of those aircrew members reflected on the memorials.

Included in the upper garden are memorials to the crews of:  Lancaster 115 that crashed on takeoff from Greenwood on October 9th, 1953;  Cormorant 914, which crashed on July 13th, 2006 in Canso, NS, killing three members of the seven-man crew; Argus 20727, that was partly funded by a generous donation from Royal Canadian Legion Branch 98;  Lancaster 965 that crashed and burned at Alert, N.W.T. July 31st, 1950 during a para-supply drop, killing its crew of seven, including the Squadron’s CO, W/C French, DFC; and Lancaster KB 914 that crashed in Labrador, February 1st, 1953. 

The lower part of the garden is comprised of unit memorials. 

Memorial/commemorative stones are to remember family members who are deceased or for those presently serving or who have worked at Greenwood at any time since the founding of the base. Dads, moms, wives, and grandparents are remembered here in this beautiful, quiet setting.

Order a stone today, for only $125.00, for a lasting gift that will remind
you and your family of service here in the Annapolis Valley. Take a stroll
today along the picturesque walkway and see how many names are familiar to
you, of cohorts who have served with you during your tenure here at

Commemorative/Memorial Stones

Got a person on your gift list who is hard to buy for? Here's an exceptional gift idea that will last forever. The GMAM has a unique fundraiser, offering engraved granite stones for placement along the picturesque walkways lining the Gardens and pond overlooking the Air Park. To date, over 400 stones have been placed, representing past and present men and women who have been affiliated with Station Greenwood.